Central Council of Church Bell Ringers visit - 30th/31st May 2010 Summary Accounts

General Treasurer’s Observations

The General Treasurer was not a member of the organizing committee and made payments and received income at the behest of the committee.

Expenses claimed by committee members included travel but also covered expenses incurred which enabled them to contain the cost of printing, carriage, photocopying, postages, etc. Where it was possible, expenses were reclaimed by the General Treasurer from other sources including the CCCBR

The accounts for this Conference stretch over three years of the Association’s Accounts – monies were received and disbursed in the 2009 Accounts and money has been received since the close of the Association’s Accounts for 2010 seen elsewhere in this Annual Report.

The Dinner at the Derby Conference Centre and the Lunch on the Monday both made a profit. The loss was on over provision of other refreshments. The Central Council paid £1,957.86 towards the venue and arrangements for the meeting.

For the Beer Festival, the hire charge for the venue was £ 500, which did not help with the costings for this event.

Commemorative Polo and Sweat Shirts were designed for the Event and were sold to those who wanted them. They were given free to members of the Association who acted as Stewards at various events so that they were easily recognised by the visitors.

The Booklet was a great success and the cost of its design and printing was more than covered by the sale of advertising space.

Those who needed transport between venues hailed the Minibus a great success. The small charge made to passengers more than paid for the hire for the weekend.

The ‘other cash donations’ were mostly donations left at various Churches open for ringing by visitors. The Association might feel that this sum should be passed to the Association’s Bell Repair Fund. £21.50 was paid directly to the BRF and does not feature in these accounts.

I am sure that lessons could be learned from the organisation of this Event and things done differently, but that is likely to be so far in the future that few of us will be present and things will be done differently then.

Graeme Hughes
