Striking Contests

Two six bell striking competitions run concurrently with two trophies:

  1. Teams ringing call changes shall compete fro the Arthur Ashby Cup and teams ringing doubles or minor methods shall compete for the Horsley Cup.

  2. The competitions shall be rung as heats in each District to select teams to go through to the final. The teams with the highest scores in their heat in each contest will go through to their respective finals. The number of teams eligible for the final from each District depends on the number of entrants in the heats of each contest:

Number in Heat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number in Final 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4


  1. Each team should, as far as possible, consist of ringers from the same tower.

  2. No ringer may ring in more than one call change team or more than one method ringing team.

  3. Towers may enter more than one team in each contest.

  4. Call change teams should include at least three ringers who have not rung in a peal at the time of the district heat.

  5. In the final, all ringers should be Association members.



  1. If closed handstroke ringing is intended the organisers should be informed in advance of the ringing.

  2. Preliminary ringing for adjustment of rope length is allowed before the test piece. It should be in rounds and not exceed one minute of ringing.

  3. The treble should be rung for two whole pulls before starting the test piece, as defined in rules 12 and 13. Up to two minutes of rounds may be rung before the first change.

Call Change Contest

  1. Conductors may have the assistance of a seventh person to count the rows.

  2. The test piece should be 120 whole rows from rounds to rounds and should include Queens (135246) and Tittums (142536).

Method Ringing Contest

  1. The test piece should be two extents of doubles or 240 changes of minor.

  2. One false start not exceeding twelve rows will be allowed.



  1. Teams are allocated 240 points from which points are deducted. A maximum of one fault per row may be deducted, with fractional deductions at the discretion of the judge.

  2. The call changes and methods may be judged by the same person or by different judges at the organisers’ discretion. The judges shall not know the identity of the teams ringing, but should, if judging both contests, be informed of which teams will ring call changes and which will ring methods.

  3. Deviations from the rules will be penalised at the judge’s discretion.

Call Change Contest

  1. Marking commences at the first change from rounds. 240 rows are marked and any subsequent rows ignored. Any more than six rows of rounds within the 240 or any rows short will count as whole faults.

Method Ringing Contest

  1. Marking commences at the first change and continues until the ringing comes into rounds. Any changes short of 240 will count as whole faults and changes in excess are marked as normal.

  2. The points obtained from the marking, as defined in rule 15, are multiplied by a bonus factor as below:

            Doubles 1.0 Plain Minor 1.025 Treble Bob 1.05

8 Bell Competition Rules

  1. Each district committee to supply one or more teams comprising district members.

  2. Ringing procedure for each team:

    1. Preliminary rounds for testing rope lengths, etc., not to exceed two minutes.

    2. Stop ringing, adjust and try ropes as necessary.

    3. Practice ring; no method restriction but not to exceed five minutes.

    4. Stop ringing for a few moments.

    5. Ring the treble for a few blows to inform the judge that the test piece is next.

    6. Ring the test piece - two minutes of rounds allowed before going into changes.

  3. The scoring system to be at the judge's discretion.

  4. Scoring will commence at the first change and cease on coming into rounds. Any changes short will count as maximum faults per row.

  5. No false starts allowed.

  6. The test piece will be 224 changes of any Triples or Major method.

  7. All competitors must be Association members.
