Gordon Halls Ringing Centre Report

I am pleased to report that our Ringing Centre is being put to good use. The number of events held has again increased, there being 65 training events held at the Centre during 2013. There were 42 events arranged bythe Centre for the benefit principally of Derbyshire ringers although some Yorkshire ringers have also benefited on many of these occasions. There have been 2 ITTS courses, 2 Chesterfield District training events and this year 19 occasions that the Whiting Society have run training events at the Centre. The Whiting events have ranged from Spliced Treble Bob Minor to ‘improving handling’ courses. This has particularly pleased me, as this range of activity benefiting the whole spectrum of the ringing fraternity is what I envisaged for the Centre more than 10 years ago when setting it up. Two Derbyshire bands have benefited from whole band training events helping them move forward using the many benefits of the equipment and philosophy of the Centre.

Since before we became a recognised Ringing Centre we have held monthly Plain Method sessions on Saturday mornings. These have always been open to any ringers who wished to take advantage supplementing the excellent work going on in local towers. Many people over the years have benefited and there have been a number of first Quarters as a result. In recent months however the take up on these occasions has been very hit and miss and we have therefore, reluctantly, decided that we shall no longer run these as open events. I will be contacting those who have previously shown interest to invite them to further events, but these will only happen if there is sufficient take up and sufficient help available. As I write this report we have already held 2 such events in 2014, both of which have been well attended and very successful.

We are filling the diary fast with all the usual events for 2014 and I expect the Centre will again be busy. I have also recently agreed another programme of events for the Whiting Society and continue to get enquiries from individuals and bands. So your ringing training centre is very much alive and continues to offer a variety of events for ringers in Derbyshire and beyond, make sure you get the best use out of this magnificent facility.
Don Jones