Southern District

I think we can look back on the events of 2013 extremely positively. What is very encouraging in our District is that there is a lot of teaching happening. Alec Humphrey and his helpers have done sterling work in training a new band for Sandiacre which has also resulted in a new band at West Hallam. Sandiacre's bells became unringable in 1997, during late 2012 eight recruits came forward and handling began to be taught at nearby towers. From 2013 “Sandiacre” practices were held at West Hallam which resulted in new recruits for West Hallam. In November the bells at Sandiacre were dedicated by the Bishop of Repton and are now being rung for Sunday service. Alec should be congratulated on the foresight to teach a band ready for the return of their bells which has enabled them to be rung straight away.

A core group of District ringers have been teaching a new band at Hartshorne. With up to three practice nights a week, you will see by the number of new members last year how much progress they have made. In May they started to ring for Sunday Service and have done so every week since. They have a core group of 22 ringers ranging in age from 8 to 72, amazing.

It is very pleasing to see 21 members elected to the Association this year, four of them junior ringing members and 11 were from Hartshorne. We welcome to the Association: Linda Stevens, Roger Ward and Heather Wrigglesworth from Breaston, Sue Rainsbury and Corinne Shelton from Derby Cathedral, Fiona Redfern and Joe Tresadern from Derby St Peter's, Sarah Ashcroft, Shannon Ensor, Jordan Gale, Jane Horan, James Johnston, Joe Poyser, Kayleigh Ritchie, Louise Smith, Ian Squire, Bernard Taylor and Harry Thompson from Hartshorne, Charlotte Hall and Richard Austin from Melbourne and Michael Semken from West Hallam. We were very pleased to see a lot of you at the meetings last year and we look forward to seeing you at future District events, everyone is always most welcome. It’s good to have new life in the District and I hope we will continue to encourage people to learn this art and support new ringers.

Also congratulations to Matthew Clayton, Jordan Gale, Isobel Hall, Rachel Jopp, Martin Nicholson, Ann Rafferty and Corinne Shelton who achieved their first quarter peal this year and to Jana Pavova and James Wheeler who rang their first peal. Well done to all of you.

We have had very good attendance at our meetings and have also benefited from several visitors. The Annual District Meeting was held at Sawley this year, with ringing at Shardlow and Lockington beforehand and Long Eaton afterwards. After the ADM our first meeting was the ever popular Quiz at Ockbrook. 36 people made eight teams. After six rounds and a quality buffet three teams were tied at the top. Following a tie break question Breaston claimed the spoils, followed by an Ockbrook team and a Derby Cathedral team. Meetings were held at West Hallam in May, Chellaston in July were due to an event in the nearby hall we relocated to Melbourne. September we had a ringing outing to six towers between Polesworth and Kingsbury. October was our quarter peal day with seven quarters rung, these included a first quarter, first in method and one rung in memory of Norma Futers from West Hallam. In November we went to Lullington and couldn't squeeze 29 people into the ringing room so overflowed into the newly carpeted Church, getting the hoover out to make it look as good as we found it. We ended the year with well over 40 people carol singing, including a beautiful solo from Calum Gilbert and While Shepherds Watched to the tune of All Hail the power of Jesus' name, not quite as good as last years Auld Lang Syne, at Ticknall in December. What a lovely end to the year.

This year regular Surprise Major practices have been held. These have given people an opportunity to ring more advanced methods, please come along to our future practices. We have also had quarter peals attempted either before or after some of our meetings which has helped members consolidate their learning. Our thanks to John Hawes for organising both of these events throughout the year.

The number of teams entering the District Striking Competition was much better this year. Both the method and call change heats were held at Breaston where we received a wonderful welcome and spread of food. Thank you to Christian Peckham for judging. In order of the results, teams from Derby Cathedral and Derby St Peter's entered the method heat, Derby St Peter's, Breaston, Overseale/Netherseale and Sawley/Long Eaton entered the call change heat. Especially well done to Breaston who it is believed have never gone through to a final before. Derby Cathedral went on to win the Horsley Cup at Clowne and Derby St Peter's went on to win the Arthur Ashby Cup at Barlborough in June. Well done.

In February the District hosted the Association Annual Dinner. This was held at the Stuart Hotel in Derby where 52 people sat down to a formal dinner. Canon David Perkins, Canon Precentor at Derby Cathedral, gave a most entertaining talk entitled “From Gas Man to God”, anyone who thought they were in for a sermon could not be more mistaken. He was one of the most entertaining speakers we have ever been privileged to listen to. He concluded with playing his guitar and singing, which the assembled company joined in with.

A band representing the Southern District entered the Association eight bell competition, which was hosted by the Central District at Belper in October. The District team rang Cambridge Surprise Major and came 4th. One young ringer from our District, Francis Gilbert, took part in the National Youth Striking Contest in York along with other DDA members and came a very creditable second, with 78%, the winning team had 80%. Well done.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the District committee for their work and support, especially those who took on the arranging of events, preparing delicious cakes for meetings, and taking minutes in my absence.

I continue to send out our District information via email as well as hard copies in the post. This is available for all District members to receive, just send an email to me and I can add you to my list to receive your own personal copies.

Finally I would like to thank the incumbents for the use of their bells and to all the tower captains who work so hard and keep ringing alive throughout the District. I just ask that members support our events next year to make it another very successful year. Thank you.
M Elizabeth Cotton