Bell Consultants' Report

Technical advice on bell installations is provided free of charge by the Bell Consultants and all requests should be addressed to Mike Banks, DDA Bell Consultant. Requests should be in writing with the authority of the PCC. The Bell Consultants’ out of pocket expenses are met by the Association’s Bell Repair Fund to which many PCCs with a ring of bells in the Diocese are affiliated by paying an annual donation. The Bell Consultants also offer a bell maintenance course.

Work carried out in 2014 by the Bell Consultants

Technical Inspections
Inspections were carried out at 5 towers and technical support provided at 3 project meetings for new bell installations, two at Alfreton and one at Sandiacre.

New Projects
Alfreton, St Martin (8 bells). Remodelled ring with current 7th as new tenor – current bells 5 and 8 hung dead for clock to strike on. Whitechapel have delivered the bells and the installation is being completed in time for the dedication service on the 22nd March 2015.

Crich, St Mary (8 bells). A Faculty application has been made to install a kitchen and toilet at the base of the tower. The current ground floor ringing room must be re-installed above. Adequate ringers’ headroom under the clock pendulum box is still a design issue which is being resolved.

Tower Inspections

Ashover, All Saints (10 bells). The bell installation was found to be in good condition with minor maintenance work required such as tightening of the crown staple in bell 1 and trimming the end off the slider on bell 10 to give frame clearance. Some pulleys will need attention soon, as will rebushing of the clapper in bell 6.

Church Broughton, St Michael (6 bells) . A general inspection was carried out.

Codnor, St James (1 bell). General recommendations were made to ensure the bell was safe to ring. A quote was obtained by the PCC from Taylors for remedial work.

Dinting Vale, Holy Trinity (6 bells). An inspection was carried out to determine the origin of a loud “clonking” sound when bell 4 was rung. The wheel-side gudgeon was found to be very loose in the wooden headstock and further ringing of this bell was prohibited. Bells 2 and 5 were found to be suffering from the same problem, but not yet severe enough to cease ringing.

Hognaston, St Bartholomew (3 bells hung for chiming). The Ellacombe chiming apparatus was repaired.

Sutton on the Hill, St Michael (6 bells). Recommendations were made for reducing excessive ringing room sound levels.

Other Work
Over-enthusiastic use of the Wombel by novice ringers has necessitated repairs to be made to the 4 bracing struts.

Inventory of tower bells hung for full circle ringing in the Derby Diocese
Number of bellsTotal number of ringsUnringable rings
 325 11 
Total 138 12 

Mike Banks and Robin Lyon 9/02/15