Bell Repair Fund Gift Aid Scheme

Because the Bell Repair Fund is a Registered Charity it can benefit from donations made under the government's Gift Aid scheme. This allows us to claim an extra 25p from the government for each pound donated by UK taxpayers.

Ringing members and friends are warmly invited to make donations to the bell repair fund either as a single payment or on a regular basis by cash, cheque, standing order or electronic transfer. Please contact the treasurer for bank account details.

If you can Gift Aid the payment as a taxpayer we will benefit further. If you have not already used Gift Aid with the fund, please contact the treasurer for a Gift Aid form or supply a signed Gift Aid declaration which should include your full name, your address, the name of the charity and details of your donation stating that it is a Gift Aid donation. All donations and requests for information will be treated in confidence.

Re-Organisation of the Bell Repair Fund

Rule changes passed at the 2012 AGM have altered the organisation of the Bell Repair Fund so that it is now controlled by a group of nine Trustees (the Bell Repair Fund Committee) rather than the whole General Committee of the Association. The change makes it easier to comply with the Charity Commission requirements for Trustees and should make the fund able to respond more quickly to requests for grants and loans. The BRF Committee reports to the General Committee and it is not intended that the changes will affect the support that the BRF can give to bell projects throughout the diocese.

The new BRF Committee consists of :- The Association President, the BRF Secretary and Treasurer, the two Association Trustees and four District Representatives.

Bell Repair Fund Rules – Approved 05.11.2012

The fund shall be known as the Derby Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers Bell Repair Fund –
Registered Charity No. 255662
1. Object of Fund
The object of the Fund is to give financial assistance to Derby Diocesan Parochial Church Councils when incurring financial outlay on their bell installations.
2. Definition of Work Supported
Only work which is associated with bell installations will be supported and the scope of this work will be at the discretion of the Trustees.
3. Administration
3.1 The Fund shall be administered by the Bell Repair Fund Committee of the Derby Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers, hereinafter referred to as 'The Committee'.
3.2 The Committee membership shall be as defined in the Rules of the Association.
3.3 The Committee members shall be the Trustees of the Bell Repair Fund Charity and shall be registered as such with the Charity Commission.
3.4 The Committee shall have the power to:
3.4.1 Approve and pay a grant or loan from the Fund (after considering an application made in accordance with the Association’s conditions).
3.4.2 Pay expenses to the Secretary, Treasurer and Bell Consultants.
3.4.3 Raise funds.
3.4.4 Maintain these rules as circumstances, regulations and requirements change.
3.5 Day-to-day management of the Fund may be delegated by the Committee to the Secretary and the Treasurer.
3.5.1 The Secretary shall manage working relationships with donors, beneficiaries and the Charity Commission.
3.5.2 The Treasurer shall execute financial and other instructions as the Committee may direct, maintain dual signatories for cheques, manage the Fund's assets, prepare accounts annually to 31 December for presentation to the Trustees and submit them to the Association’s Independent Examiners prior to publication in the Association Annual Report, prepare such summaries of Grant Applications as are needed for Grants to be agreed by the Committee, report Fund activity to the Association General Committee, maintain and retain adequate records.
4. Trustees and Duties
4.1 The property of the Fund shall be held in the names of the Trustees who shall control the activities of the Fund.
4.2 Trustees shall cause all affairs of the Fund to be conducted in accordance with laws and regulations affecting Charities, in particular but not restricted to the Charities Acts, and in a prudent fashion.
5. Income, Investment, Payment
5.1 Such bank accounts as may be required shall be opened in the name of the Fund.
5.2 Any outstanding monies in the hands of the Committee not required for the immediate purposes of the Fund shall be invested in any manner authorised by law.
5.3 The Committee shall have the power to raise funds by any means it sees fit as long as permanent trading is not engaged in.
6. Rule changes
No alteration, addition or deletion affecting these rules shall be made except at a Committee Meeting. One clear calendar month's notice, in writing, of any proposed alteration (which does not infringe the Fund's charitable validity in law) shall be given to the Secretary prior to the date of the meeting.
7. Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution of the Fund and after payment of all expenses or liabilities, the remaining assets of the Fund shall be disposed as the Trustees shall decide to any or several of:
7.1 Any successor, or charitable body or bodies, with similar objectives and covering all or part of the Diocese of Derby,
7.2 Those PCCs that are affiliated to the Fund at the time of the dissolution.
In each of the above cases, the remaining assets are to be applied by the recipient in a manner which would fulfil the objects of the fund.

Requirements for Trustees (to serve on the BRF committee)

These conditions apply to people seeking election to posts on the Bell Repair Fund Committee, the members of which form the group of trustees that administer the Association’s Bell Repair Fund Charity.
The posts affected are :-
President of the Association
Bell Repair Fund Secretary
Bell Repair Fund Treasurer
Trustees of the Association (2 posts)
District BRF Representatives (4 posts)

1. Trustees must be at least 16 years old.
2. Some people are disqualified by law from acting as trustees, including anyone described in sections 178 to 180 of the Charities Act 2011. This includes:-
a) Anyone who has an unspent conviction for an offence involving deception or dishonesty.
b) Anyone who is an undischarged bankrupt.
c) Anyone who has been removed from trusteeship of a charity by the Court or the Commission for misconduct or mismanagement.
d) Anyone under a disqualification order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986.
(It is normally an offence to act as a trustee while disqualified unless a waiver has been given under section 181 of the Charities Act 2011).