Bell Repair Fund Secretary's Report

The highlight of the year was the rededication of Shirland bells which took place on Sunday 20th May. This represented much work by the people of Shirland and the service was well attended by the local congregation and ringers of the area.

There is good news from Sandiacre too. The bells were taken down last year and two new bells were cast in Loughborough in October. This event was attended by about 35 parishioners. Ringers for Sandiacre are being trained in neighbouring towers so that once the bells are installed again, they will be rung. It is hoped that the project may be completed by the end of July.

Fund raising continues at Alfreton, though it is slow. There is still a lot of local support, but no success with requests for grants, though the Lottery may still offer one. The Lottery requires evidence that the scheme will benefit the local community and this is not easy to prove.

Major work is due to start on the frame at Cubley which is insecure. A faculty has been applied for so that the work can start in the near future.

If you have any concerns about your bells installation our bell consultants will be happy to be invited to inspect it. They will do this free of charge, write a report for the PCC and also come to speak to them if desired. Requests for inspections must come from a representative of the PCC and are obligatory if you are going to apply for a grant and/or loan towards the cost of any work on the bells. Please ask for an inspection before any work is started or a contractor appointed.

You can find details of grants/loan here. We aim to give 10% of the cost of any necessary work for which the total cost is over £1000, subject to there being sufficient money in the fund. We do not give grants for new ropes or building work. If you would like to apply for a grant and/or loan, please write to the Bell Repair Fund secretary.

Pat Halls